Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blueberry Movies

It's not that I like to bake, or the process of it, just the outcome; the smell of flour and goodies in the oven. I'm pretty sure that I can cook, but the baking skills are weak. I have no concept of measuring. Soooo when I decided to bake yesterday, I went with a box instead of the ingredients in my cupboard.
Ah...."just add heavy cream". My kind of recipe!
(and since I didn't have heavy cream on hand, I ran across the street to...Starbucks! Katie just laughed at me as she handed me the short cup filled with it.)

**Scones and French Press Coffee**

"Station 99.1, please."

The first drive-in movie theater might have been in Jersey, but I still have never been to one! Thus the adventure known as Our Date....


Rachele said...

Courtney! looks like you had a good time at the Movies! Where is the drive-in? i would like to go (:

Courtney Lynn said...

in Phoenix :) There are a few around here. The one in particular has 8 screens! I was watching Up, Star Trek, and Wolverine at the same time!

Anonymous said...

you are too cute.