Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My first blog entry! I am hoping I can keep on top of this for you guys. And if you have stopped by to witness this first entry, how bout some encouragement? I haven't written for a blog since the livejournal days.

Hmmm...maybe we'll take an adventure together? What was I thinking 5 years ago on this day....

" Igrieve.
I know many peoples love will grow cold, I just didn't know it would effect me this way. So many close to me are trading in the blessings of God for the passing things of this world.It is interesting how God can continue to use these people to draw me closer to Him.
The last few weeks I've desired to know Christ more than ever before and this strong ambition can be attributed to those who have forgotten their First Love. No matter what situation I come to, I run to His throne.
I witness it and I want more of God. I see someone turn away, I'm reminded how greatful I am. I endure knowing of my foundation.I meet someone backsliddin, I am grieved and therefore pray hardcore, growing my prayer life.I WILL not give up. I will run this race. Not just trotting by, hoping that I'll make it, hoping there even is a prize, but KNOWING that I will win. As everyone slows their pace or stops not able to go on, not wanting to, I will sprint. I'm not slowing down. Even if I'm the last one in the race and sure of the victory. I will still run with all my might. There you will see me cross the finish line, recieving the crown of victory, the crown of life. "

As for my jewelry, I'm working hard trying to crunch in any designing time around my other job, Starbucks, as possible.


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