Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Starbucks and Beads

I'm sitting at my home-away-from-home, Starbucks. Is it really surprising that this is where I find the most solitude? With an "Iced Grande toffee nut x-milk Double Shot on Ice" to my right, I'm filing all my paperwork with this great new program I just bought from JJMfinance.
You can find him @ his Etsy shop, http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5418829.

And as I'm plugging away, another Starbucks enthusiast sits next to me. I have yet to catch her name, but we start to chat about life, work and God. An ex-Luthern pastor gone teacher, she's expecting a baby and stopped by for a quick sugar rush hoping it will perk up the baby to show "its" true colors. (Their going to find out the sex today).

Let's see..what's new?
Well, for all my lovely New Jersey friends, I'm going to make a trip out there in the middle of July. Elena recieved John Mayer concert tickets and was so lovely to ask me to join her. A day of Mr. Mayer and Mrs. Baxter...amazing.
I didn't think I'd be able to come out with my finances being so tight lately, but I crunched some numbers and it turns out that with all my frequent flyer miles (thank you, England) it's only going to cost me $5.00!! Yeah, that's a deal.

I still haven't made a final decision on if I'm moving to Portland or not. Actually, my heart is very set on it and I'm just waiting for my pal, Tristan, to decide. Whatever I chose, I know my life is going to dramatically change in the next few months. I hope for the better.


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