Monday, June 29, 2009


Eric wanted to take me shopping for my birthday, but he had already spent so much on me that I felt uncomfortable with him buying more.  After a short discussion we came to a happy medium... shopping for HIM! 
I got to take him to any store I want, make him try on anything I liked and when I found the outfit, he had to buy it.  Does this boy trust me or what??
I already had a certain image in my head as we headed over to Ross (I love that store).  Eric marveled at how quickly i shuffled through the racks and found my first outfit...

1. Navy, short-sleeved button up shirt

2. White Tee (Can you believe he doesn't own a single one??)

3. Dark Denim Jeans
I've been dying to buy these for him! Eric's style revolves around American Eagle light denim.

I about died when he came out of the fitting room. Everything fit so well. The shirt really accentuated his build and the jeans....well...they were awesome! He was so iffy about the things I picked out, but after putting em' on all he could say was, "You did good, babe."
Yeah, we bought the very first outfit. Haha.
He hasn't worn it yet, but I'll be sure to snap a pic.


My boyfriend is cute.

(I'm sorry if you're annoyed at the mass Eric-Courtney pictures I'm posting, but I'm just so excited to finally get them off Eric's camera.)

Twenty Five

Portland's Wine Bar in Phoenix

Even though he is no longer drinking alcohol, he still took me to this wine bar.  What a champ! Here is Eric drinking water and me drinking Riesling ;) So good.

When In Rome...

....Do as the Egyptians do.

Or something like that. We went out for a hooka date in Tempe last night to a place called King Tuts. It was the best atmosphere of any hooka restaurant I've been in. There were raised areas full of pillows and really great comfy chairs. We chose a couch in the corner and just snuggled up next to each other. (insert sigh)
The best thing about this place was that it served food. I ordered the falafel platter. Yes, I said FALAFEL! I haven't had that since my trip to Israel, so it was the best treat ever.
Eric opted for a red bull over my turkish coffee (although he was a brave soul for trying it).
It was one of those perfect moments when everything else in the world doesn't matter. I don't think the two of us ever have a date that I don't love, but this one in particular was the best. We just relaxed and talked. Maybe that's why it was better than the drive-in. We got to ask each other questions and become closer friends.
He is in fact my best friend.

Turkish Coffee: "is coffee prepared by boiling finely powdered roast coffee beans in a pot (cezve), possibly with sugar, and serving it into a cup, where the dregs settle. It is common throughout the Middle East, North Africa, Caucasus, and the Balkans, and in their expatriate communities and restaurants in the rest of the world.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Oh, yeah, I'm 25.
Birthdays are fun.
I'll post pics when I get them. They are stuck on Eric's camera.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I thought about it.
Maybe a little out of impulse. I wanted it just to be a test,
but apathy made it a decision.
I pushed delete
and the irony is that I can't

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


After making the suitcase cat bed, I was left with that off-white ottoman top. Hmmm, what to do?

Ahhh, how about revamping that stool in my office??


I had this vintage dress I bought off Etsy that had a rip I never got around to fixing...

I cut it up and nailed it around the bottom of the ottoman...

Then, swapped lids!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Home Improvements

$25.00 Antique suitcase

$6.00 Vintage Automan


I present to you, The Kitty Bed.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Eric and I went to the Drive-in again. It is quickly becoming my favorite date idea EVER. I mean, we can bring our own food (we bought sushi) and it only costs 6 dollars per person!
We drove the Pathfinder too and sat in the back with blankets. Love.

(Oh, wait, I loved it up until that terrible salmon made me sick. I'm not going to lie though...Eric is the sweetest when I don't feel good. He gets very attentive and compassionate.)


We then went to my aunt's house for a bar-b-que for my upcoming BIRTHDAY! YAY! Aunt Joan's cat had more kittens (the same mother as Cow), including this all white male. UGH. I wanted it so bad, but my boyfriend said no. Of course, my apartment would not do very good with 3 cats in the house, but when you're holding that little thing, reasoning goes out the window.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Cow is fixed!

I came home from work yesterday and she was better! Her and John went CRAZY, romping around the whole house for hours.  Today I discovered little, healthy kitten the litter box! 
Seems whatever it was passed. THANK GOD!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dictionary Days

A highly specialised fiscal term used solely by turnstile operatives at Regent's Park zoo. It refers to the variable amount of increase in the variable gate takings on a Sunday afternoon, caused by persons going to the zoo because they are in love and believe that the feeling of romance will be somehow enhanced by the smell of panther sweat and rank incontinence in the reptile house.;


So my little kitten is doing worse.  At first, her poop was just a little loose and she was having a few accidents. Now, she is going to the bathroom 10+ times a day and only made it to the litter box once.
Something is wrong!  My poor girl is so upset.  She gets flustered not knowing why she's secluded to the bathroom.
We have a vet appoitment for Friday, the soonest I could get free from work.  

Official Update

Praying with Eric is better than a million cokes, a dozen drive-in movies and any amount of Hana sushi you give me.
He makes me so happy I want to squeal.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Little Cow Blues

This may be more info that any of you want, but my little kitten has diarrhea.  It's sad, but so annoying. I woke up today to find kitten poop everywhere. Seriously. I cried. Then I had Eric (my bf) come over and help me deep clean.  What a good man. 
I put her in the bathroom until her little tummy is all better and rewarded Eric with Starbucks.


I need money for California.  Someone want to sponsor my weekend fun trip???

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dictionary Days


One who is able to gain occupation of the armrest on both sides of their cinema or aircraft seat.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


"John, please stop sitting on your sister!"

The Sitter
Mrs. McTwitter was the baby-sitter
I think she's a little bit crazy.
She thinks a baby-sitter's supposed
To sit upon the baby.

(Silverstein, A Light in the Attic)

That just happened to be one of my all time favorite books as a child. Amazing.

Dictionary Days

Hearty feeling that comes from walking 
on the moors with gumboots and cold ears.


Blueberry Movies

It's not that I like to bake, or the process of it, just the outcome; the smell of flour and goodies in the oven. I'm pretty sure that I can cook, but the baking skills are weak. I have no concept of measuring. Soooo when I decided to bake yesterday, I went with a box instead of the ingredients in my cupboard.
Ah...."just add heavy cream". My kind of recipe!
(and since I didn't have heavy cream on hand, I ran across the street to...Starbucks! Katie just laughed at me as she handed me the short cup filled with it.)

**Scones and French Press Coffee**

"Station 99.1, please."

The first drive-in movie theater might have been in Jersey, but I still have never been to one! Thus the adventure known as Our Date....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bikes and Fur

I did all my arrands via bike today.

1. The view of the skyline from my balcony.
2. My Florist, the sign you see, is a restaurant. Not so obvious.
3. I'm so happy the lightrail and I moved here together and that it is bike friendly.

I live in the cutest part of Phoenix known as the The Willo District. It's the neighborhood where everyone still says hi and I think that's rare in a city these days. Seriously perfect.

I then came home with shipping supplies in hand and new ink for my printer ready to get to work....

(Well, maybe if these two lazies would move off my shipping labels!)

John Mayer is Sexy isn't even a year yet and he already has a funny old man beard.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dictionary Day

Giving words to lifes common occurrances:

The state of a lady's clothing after she has been to powder her nose and has hitched up her tights over her skirt at the back, thus exposing her bottom, and has walked out without noticing it.

*Funny thing, went out a few weeks ago for Elicia's birthday when she comes prancing out the bathroom with the longest running line of toilet paper ever stuck to her foot. Classic. Hmmm. I wonder if there is a word for that...

(word taken from; picture from

Hazy Dazy

One of those days when a long drive is all you want.


So many inspirational things on Etsy!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I am the happy owner of two wonderful cats and proudly wear the name tag "Crazy Cat Owner". While others post millions of photos of their new child on facebook, mine is smothered with these felines.
I got the big grey one first, John Mayer is Sexy. Yes, that is his full and complete name. And if you are newcomer to my home, it is not to be said as a question, but a statement, "John Mayer IS Sexy".
The other little one, Cow, I just got a few weeks ago. She's so hyper that she really drives me up the wall! John would get so lonely in the house alone that I really wanted him to have a buddy. Already they are inseparable. So cute!

John loves Etsy as much as me.